I ignored this blog for a while, and I needed to start it back up again to let whomever is reading, know that I am determined to see this website go live. Though I haven’t truly started the development process of the website itself. I have actually been focusing on developing my own skills with expanding my knowledge of JavaScript and the variety of frameworks that are available.

What I do like, is that (StackBlitz)[https://www.stackblitz.com], integrates itself very well with Firebase which is the platform, that I am using to launch and develop the website as it currently stands.

As I become more familiarized with Web Development and start utilizing the tools that I currently have at my disposal to grasp even further heights, I will soon be a force to be reckoned with. Until that time though, I will be sticking with developing Front-End components as I learn functionality, modules, and such along the way. I would like to build this site using Angular as the framework, considering that it works very well with StackBlitz.


Focusing today, means building or at least giving a status update on what I have been up to these past couple of weeks. Primarily, I have been trying to teach myself how to build and learn the difference between a PWA (Progressive Web App) and a SPA (Single Page App). Learning when it is appropriate to utilize either or will help me progress further in the determination of what services I can provide as I launch my company.


Today I became determined to write this post, even though it was at the very last minute.