New Ways and Methods

As I continue on this journey as a developer, I find that learning how to be a FullStack Developer, has to be one of the most difficult ordeals that I am facing. Realizing that over the time period in which I was going to school to learn how to be a computer programmer coming to the understanding and realization that I didn’t learn the skills that were even close enough to be considered a developer. Though, I will say that learning how to program all over again has become a very interesting challenge. Not only is it quite difficult to master all the various technologies, languages, and frameworks, but it seems to be a forever daunting experience as I come to an understanding that I still have a lot of work to do in regards to building fully functioning websites and applications.

Utilizing Online Editors

As time continues to move forward, I find myself very grateful that the majority of the tools that I need or require are hosted online. Learning to utilize online resources as I continue to learn and develop an clearer understanding of not only web applications but also understanding the field. As I learn to develop both the front-end and back-end developer, I seem to have neglected that I need to apply these skills in order to develop a portfolio to show potential employers and clients what I can do.

Learning Both The New and The Old

Learning techniques from both the past and current methods has helped me learn how to appreciate and develop better software. I am realizing that the limitation of my development is my lack of experience in building and developing applications. Learning how to utilize API’s and other people’s code in order to create and build a solution has helped my learning process. Having a plethora of e-books and online learning material in order to help me make the transition from building static sites to dynamic ones.